Python Interview Guide

Top 15 Python Interview Questions – pythonsden


One of the most widely used programming languages worldwide is Python. Many developers favour it because of its readability, adaptability, and reputation for simplicity. It’s critical to have a solid command of Python and be prepared to answer any queries that may come up throughout the interview process. In this blog, we’ll cover the top 15 Python interview questions along with their answers to help you succeed in your interview.

Python Interview

Top 15 Python Interview Questions and Answers

  • How is Python different from other programming languages like Java or C++?

Python has some key distinctions from languages like Java or C++. Because it is an interpreted language, explicit compilation is not necessary. Python makes it simpler to develop and comprehend code by putting an emphasis on readability and simplicity. Python also has a sizable standard library and offers dynamic typing.

  • What is PEP 8, and why is it important?

The accepted style manual for Python programming is PEP 8. It provides guidelines for writing clean, readable, and maintainable Python code. Following PEP 8 is important because it enhances code consistency and makes it easier for others to understand and collaborate on your code.

  • What are the built-in data types in Python?

Integers, floats, strings, booleans, lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets are just a few of the built-in data types that Python supports. Each data type has a unique function and is coupled with particular operations and procedures.

  • How do you handle exceptions in Python?

A try-except block is how exceptions are handled in Python. The try block contains the code that might cause an exception, and the except block is where any potential exceptions are caught and dealt with. This makes it possible to handle errors gracefully and avoid programme crashes.

  • What is the purpose of init in a Python class?

The init method, a special method in Python classes, is called right away when an object is created. It is used to set up an object’s properties. In most cases, a class declares it as the initial method.

  • What distinguishes ‘==’ and ‘is’ in Python?

The ‘==’ operator checks if the values of two objects are equal, while the ‘is’ operator checks if two objects are the same object in memory. ‘==’ compares the values, while ‘is’ compares the memory addresses.

  • What is a lambda function in Python?

A one-line function defined without a name is referred to as a lambda function or an anonymous function. When a function is needed for a brief time and doesn’t require a formal definition, it is frequently used. The lambda keyword is used to generate lambda functions.

  • What is the purpose of the “if name == ‘main‘:” statement in Python?

The “if name == ‘main‘:” statement is used to check whether the current module is being run as the main module or imported as a module in another script. It allows you to specify code that should only run when the module is executed directly.

  • Describe Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL).

The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is a technique for synchronising thread execution in CPython, the standard Python implementation. The GIL makes sure that only one thread is allowed to run Python code at once, which might have an impact on how well multi-threaded CPU-bound programmes function. However, it has no impact on multi-process or I/O-bound programmes.

  • How can a file be opened and closed in Python?

To open a file in Python, you can use the built-in open() function, which takes the file name and the mode (e.g., ‘r’ for read, ‘w’ for write) as arguments. After working with the file, it’s important to close it using the close() method or by using a context manager (with statement).

  • How do you install third-party packages in Python?

You can install third-party packages in Python using a package manager called pip. Pip comes bundled with Python and allows you to install packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI) by running the command pip install package_name.

  • What are decorators in Python?

Decorators are a way to modify the behavior of functions or classes without directly changing their code. They use the @ symbol and are placed above the function or class definition. Decorators are often used for adding functionality such as logging, authentication, or timing to existing functions.

  • Explain the concept of generators in Python.

Similar to lists or tuples, generators are an iterable type. Generators, on the other hand, produce values on the fly, one at a time, using the yield keyword, unlike lists, which store all of their contents in memory. Generators can now handle massive amounts of data and become memory-efficient.

  • How do you handle memory management in Python?

Python uses a method known as garbage collection to manage memory automatically. Memory that is no longer needed is freed up while things are tracked in memory. The majority of memory management responsibilities are handled by Python’s garbage collector, but it’s crucial to be aware of circular references because they can result in memory leaks.

  • How can you improve the performance of your Python code?

You can use methods like code profiling, algorithm optimisation, leveraging libraries, utilising built-in functions and data structures, and eliminating pointless operations or redundant computations to enhance the efficiency of Python scripts. Concurrency or parallelism use can also improve performance for CPU-bound operations.


Python basics and concepts must be thoroughly understood in order to prepare for a Python interview. You’ll be better prepared to demonstrate your knowledge and abilities during the interview if you are familiar with these top 15 Python interview questions and their solutions. To expand your knowledge, don’t forget to practise coding and investigate more complicated subjects. I wish you luck on the Python interview!

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