
How to Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python


Python is a powerful programming language that enables programmers to write clear and legible code for strong applications. Maintaining code readability and properly documenting your work both need the practice of commenting out lines of code. Learn how to comment out multiple lines in Python effectively. Follow this detailed guide to understand various methods, including using IDE shortcuts, block comments, and more.

How to Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python

Commenting out lines in Python is a straightforward process. By using different techniques, you can temporarily disable sections of your code without removing them entirely.

Inline Comments

Inline comments are used to explain specific lines of code. They are denoted by the # symbol, followed by the comment text. Inline comments are useful for providing context or explanations for complex code.


x = 10  # Assigning a value to x

Block Comments

Multiple lines of code can be commented out simultaneously using block comments, commonly referred to as multi-line comments. Although Python has a built-in syntax for block comments, you can still do this by using triple quotes (”’ or “””) as placeholders.


This is a block comment.
You can comment out multiple lines here.
x = 10
y = 20

IDE Shortcuts

Multiple line of code commenting or uncommenting shortcuts are frequently offered by Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). For instance, you can comment or uncomment lines by selecting them and pressing Ctrl + / in PyCharm.

Using if False for Temporary Commenting

The if False: statement can be used to temporarily turn off a piece of code. When you want to retain the code present for reference but stop it from running, this trick comes in handy.


if False:
    # This code won't execute
    print("This won't be printed")

Techniques for Uncommenting

Uncommenting lines is as important as commenting them. Here are a few techniques to reverse the commenting process.

Manual Uncommenting

To manually uncomment the lines that have been commented, just delete the # sign from the line’s beginning.


Q1: Can I use multi-line strings as comments in Python?
A1: Yes, you can use multi-line strings with triple quotes as block comments.

Q2: Are comments executed by Python?
A2: No, comments are ignored by the Python interpreter and do not affect the program’s execution.

Q3: What is the purpose of commenting out code?
A3: Commenting out code helps improve code readability, explain complex logic, and temporarily disable code sections.

Q4: Can I nest block comments within each other?
A4: While you can technically nest triple-quoted strings, it’s not a recommended way to comment out code. Use other commenting techniques instead.

Q5: Are there any tools to automatically remove commented code?
A5: Yes, some code linting tools can help you identify and remove unnecessary commented-out code.

Q6: Is there a standard for writing comments in Python?
A6: Python follows the PEP 8 style guide, which provides guidelines on writing clean and readable code, including comments.


Python’s ability to comment out multiple lines is crucial for collaboration and code maintainability. You can efficiently manage your codebase by utilizing inline comments, block comments, IDE shortcuts, and the if False statement. Don’t forget to keep your comments succinct, pertinent, and clear. Write more structured and properly documented Python code now that you’ve mastered commenting!

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