
What is Python Syntax Error, Common Types, How to fix them


Python is a well-liked programming language that is renowned for being straightforward and readable. However, Python is prone to syntax problems just like any other programming language. These mistakes happen when the interpreter runs into code that doesn’t follow the syntax conventions of the language. Even while syntax mistakes can be annoying, they are crucial because they allow engineers to find and fix flaws in their code. In this blog post, we will explore what Python syntax error are, common types of Python syntax error, and How to Fix them.

What is a Python Syntax Error

When the Python interpreter comes across code that defies the language’s grammar rules, a syntax error takes place. It means that Python cannot read and execute the code because it was not written in that way. When a syntax issue occurs, the program cannot run and an error message is shown, identifying the offending line or portion of code.

Common Types of Python Syntax Errors

  1. Missing or mismatched parentheses, brackets, or quotes: Syntax mistakes might result from failing to close a parenthesis, square bracket, or quote mark. For Python to determine the code’s structure, these symbols must be paired correctly.
  2. Misspelled keywords or function names: Python includes a list of terms and function names that are reserved and cannot be used as variable names. Syntax problems can occur if these keywords or function names are spelt incorrectly.
  3. Indentation errors: Python employs indentation to specify how code blocks should be organized. Particularly in control flow statements or function definitions, syntax problems might result from forgetting to indent or from utilising uneven indentation levels.
  4. Improper use of operators: When operators like “+” (concatenation) are used incorrectly or when a colon is absent in a statement that needs one, like in loops or function definitions, syntax mistakes might happen.
  5. Missing colons: A colon denotes the beginning of a new block of code in Python, such as a loop, an if statement, or a function definition. These statements must be followed by a colon to avoid syntactic mistakes.

How to Fix Python Syntax Errors

  1. Understand the error message: Be sure to carefully examine the error message if you run into a syntax issue. It typically indicates the line number and gives an indication about the particular problem. Finding the cause of the error requires understanding the error message.
  2. Check for missing or mismatched symbols: Look for any missing closing quote marks, brackets, or parentheses. Make sure there is a closing symbol for each opening sign. This involves making sure that the use of single or double quote marks is consistent.
  3. Review spelling and case-sensitivity: Double-check the spelling of keywords and function names, ensuring they match the correct case. Python is case-sensitive, so “Print” and “print” are not the same.
  4. Verify indentation: Use spaces or tabs to provide uniform indentation in your code. Don’t combine them. Four spaces is the normal amount of indentation.
  5. Examine operators and colons: Check to see if operators are being utilised properly while keeping in mind their unique functions. Additionally, make sure that colons follow statements that call for them, like loops, if statements, or function declarations.
  6. Use a debugger or IDE: By giving real-time feedback, debuggers and integrated development environments (IDEs) can assist in locating syntax problems. Errors are frequently highlighted or underlined, which makes it simpler to find and address problems.
  7. Seek help from documentation or community: Consult the Python documentation or turn to online forums and communities for help if you run into syntax mistakes that you are unable to fix. Many seasoned programmers are eager to assist and share their knowledge.

few common examples of Python syntax errors and how to fix them

Example: Missing Closing Parenthesis:

print("Hello, World!"

Error Message: SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

Explanation: The error occurs because the closing parenthesis is missing in the ‘print' statement.

Solution: Add the closing parenthesis to fix the syntax error.

print("Hello, World!")

Example: Misspelled Keyword:

for i in rang(5):

Error Message: NameError: name ‘rang’ is not defined

Explanation: The error occurs because the ‘range' function is misspelled as ‘rang'.

Solution: Correct the spelling of the keyword to fix the syntax error.

for i in range(5):

Example: Indentation Error:

def greet(name):
print("Hello, " + name)

Error Message: IndentationError: expected an indented block

Explanation: The error occurs because the ‘print' statement is not indented within the function definition.

Solution: Indent the ‘print' statement to match the indentation level of the function.

def greet(name):
    print("Hello, " + name)

Example: Missing Colon:

if x > 5
    print("x is greater than 5")

Error Message: SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Explanation: The error occurs because the colon is missing after the ‘if' statement.

Solution: Add the colon after the if statement to fix the syntax error.

if x > 5:
    print("x is greater than 5")

Example: Incorrect Use of Operators:

num = 10
if num > 5 && num < 15:
    print("Number is between 5 and 15")

Error Message: SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Explanation: The error occurs because the logical operator && is not valid in Python. The correct operator is ‘and'.

Solution: Replace ‘&&' ‘with’ ‘and' to fix the syntax error.

num = 10
if num > 5 and num < 15:
    print("Number is between 5 and 15")

Remember that the first step in repairing issues is to comprehend the error messages and thoroughly check your code for syntax mistakes. The aforementioned examples ought to serve as a helpful starting point for you as you learn to spot and fix typical Python syntax problems.


Python syntax mistakes are a necessary component of the programming process. Despite the fact that they can be annoying, they provide developers with useful feedback that helps them find and fix errors in their code. You can successfully fix these problems and create clean, error-free Python code by comprehending the typical kinds of syntax errors and adhering to the aforementioned instructions. To improve your coding abilities and decrease syntax errors over time, keep in mind that practice and perseverance are essential.

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